Saturday, February 18

ABOUT US : asmi

dimulakan dengan bismillah :)

hmm post sebelum nie cietr sedih, sekarang nak citer SEDIH lagi ! err kenapa laa dengan saya nie ? sebenarnye tyra rindu , rindu sangatsangat dekat seseorang :( tapi tyra tak nak ckap and walaupun dia rindu tyra tyra tetap taknak ckp tyra rindu dia , EGO?
hmm no comment, sometimes im think why this feeling still in my heart even you have someone else, someone that I think you start to love her , with sincere heart . walaupun tyra dah luah kan dah beritahu hal sebenar kat dia, tapi tyra tetap sedih . SEDIH ?
sape rela tengok orang yg kita betul2 sayang dengan org lain, lagilagi bila kita nampak kebahagiaan tuh terpancar kat muka dia ! takde sape suka melainkan TERPAKSA :( even I know how long im with him, how hardest im try to get him, how suck much im loving him .
BUT if im not for him, it will be . macam mane tyra ngn dia jaoh , terpisah , sakit untuk laluinya KALAU dia memang JODOH tyra yang Allah tetap kan akan bersama jugak ,
nak lalui semua nie bukan senaang, dan mungkin apa yang tyra alami tak seteruk orangorang kat luar tuh, kita manusia tak penah bersyukur dnegan apa yang kita ada, tyra harap tyra mampu menyedari kesilapan diri sendiri dan paling PENTING kita tak ulang kesilapan k ?
*im try really try too forget you, but im still fail ! even in exam if we fail but we try and try we can see the succesfull . but in this situation moreover im try it going to worst !
damm much miSs you :(
now im just hope I will get truth man maybe for my future husband because im tired too fall in love anymore . hopefull you get A girl is deserve for you and more better than me . 
you is my first love and i've give you my true love and now im in suckers !


Thursday, February 16

can you imagine ?

what times now? 2.17am at my laptop and still can't sleep . Lately always like this, hmmm act I want tell something. Now im really freeking damn bored you know ? I think my life so lonely . IM ALONE !!! again ALONE AND ALONE even i know i've have family , friend and God . but can you guys imagine this life ?

 * have A fone but like not function
 * my credit still NOT change for one week, can be more than that
 * silent or not the same situation

ouh goshh how like that ? im really miSs to text msg , doing calling , get happy msg before sleeep, :( why we must love ? and why its soo complicated ? err now my daily activity like this

cant sleep until 4 or 5 am ---> wake up 4 suboh ---> sleeep and wake up again with lunh time maybe ---> cooking , clean home all that like A mom ! ---> onl until feel bored ---> waited my mom and brother back to home ---> wathing television ----> nite again

how life ? im sure your life more better . But never mind still can handle it . I wish have someone too enjoy , cherrfull and give truth smile with me not FAKE !

im finish this with quite fone again and alone day :'(